1913 Clippings

Ongoing research; last updated 12 July 2011

4th February 1913 – Parks Department (Operations Card 26 A1)

Area 2 – Presented by Messrs. Wm. and John Gibbins as an extension to the Park, this area (6.72 acres = 2.7195 hectares, in Gibbins Road, Selly Oak, 29) was purchased from G. Ledsam Esq. for £1,850.  (Deed No. 571, dated 15th February 1913 refers; as does Council Minute No. 22,165, dated 4th February 1913)  (This brought the total area of the Park up to 18.25 acres (7.3855 hectares))
The donors undertook to defray the cost of fencing the land where necessary and also any expense connected with the conveyance.  Restrictive Covenants; same as attached to Area 1 – see 1st February 1899.

Photographs of a transcript of the conveyance of the 1913 extension of the Park.
Document held, and kindly provided, by Birmingham City Council.

(Click or double click on an image to enlarge it.)

8th February 1913  -  Birmingham News

City Council
Extension of Selly Oak Park: Gift by the Messrs. Gibbins

The Lord Mayor read the following letter:

My Lord Mayor,
We have pleasure in asking the Corporation of Birmingham to accept the gift from us of about 6¾ acres of meadow land in Gibbins Road, Selly Oak, as an addition to the recreation ground which was given by our late mother and our late brothers (Thos. Gibbins and Benjamin Gibbins) and ourselves to the Kings Norton and Northfield District Council in 1899.  The land is given for use as a public recreation ground subject to the same conditions as those affecting the Park in Gibbins Road, the principal of which is that no intoxicants shall be sold on the land.  It is our desire that the land should be devoted to games, such as cricket and football for which it is adapted.  We shall be pleased to defray the cost of fencing the land where necessary, and also any expenses connected with the conveyance of the land to the Corporation.  -  Yours faithfully, William Gibbins and John Gibbins.

The Lord Mayor moved:  That the best thanks of this Council be presented to Messrs. Wm. and John Gibbins for their generous offer to present 6¾ acres of land in Gibbins Road, Selly Oak, as an addition to the recreation ground previously given by members of their family, and to defray the cost of fencing the land where necessary and any expenses connected with the conveyance of the land to the Corporation; and that the Town Clerk be instructed to take all necessary steps for the transfer of the property and to affix the corporate seal to all necessary documents.  His lordship said he was sure that the Council would agree with him in expressing their grateful thanks to those citizens for the generous gift that they had offered, and also the generous conditions which accompanied it.  (Hear, hear.)  He trusted that their example might be followed by other wealthy citizens.

Mr. Norman Chamberlain seconded the proposition.  The addition to the area of the park would be a very valuable one indeed.  It was a very good piece of ground, and they would be able to put it to the very best use without any expense to the Council.

The proposition was carried. 

11th February, 1913  -  Birmingham Daily Mail, and
15th February, 1913  -  Birmingham News

Bands in the City Parks
New Rules and Regulations

New rules and regulations for band performances in the parks of Birmingham have been approved after conferences with the Parks Committee and representatives of the bands concerned.  The committee are, it appears, prepared to allow concerts to be given in the following parks on the understanding that no contribution whatever is made by the committee for such concerts: - Aston, Park, Calthorpe Park, Handsworth Park, King’s Heath Park, Lightswood Park, Sparkhill Park, Summerfield Park, Ward End Park and Warley Park.  For concerts in the undernoted parks and recreation grounds the committee are prepared to pay a sum of from £2 to £4 for each concert according to the grading of the band by the musical advisor:- Adderley Park, Balsall Heath Park, Brookvale Park, Cannon Hill Park, Cotteridge Park, Digby Park, Highgate Park, Muntz Park, Queen’s Park, Rookery Park, Selly Oak Park, Victoria Park, Black Patch Recreation Ground, Burbery Street Recreation Ground, Garrison Lane Recreation Ground, Victoria Common, Northfield, and Walmer Recreation Ground.  All bands must consist of not more than 30 and not less than 15 performers, and it is required that each band must obtain a certificate of proficiency from the musical advisor appointed by the committee before any concerts can be allotted to them.
In the parks where no contribution is made by the committee bands are permitted to place collection sheets or boxes near the entrance gates to the park or in the vicinity of the bandstand in charge of a representative of the band, and to charge 1d. for the hire of a chair or for the use of a seat within the bandstand enclosure.  The committee do not allow collecting boxes to be taken round amongst the audience.  In the parks and recreation grounds where and when the committee pay for the services of a band, no collection or charges of any kind are to be made.  In the cases where an afternoon concert has been allotted the band may, at their discretion, give a second concert in the evening on the understanding that the committee do not make any contribution for the evening performance.

24th February 1913 – Finance Sub-Committee

As to Minute No. 102 General Audit of Accounts
The Deputy Treasurer here attended the Committee and submitted the following report:-

In accordance with the arrangement made with you, the audit clerks on my staff have visited the following Parks and Recreation grounds in the City, and have examined closely, with the assistance of the park-keepers, the systems of recording and checking the income of the Parks Committee.

The following are the Parks visited:-

Selly Oak Park                          (from a list of 20 parks)

The report then goes into detail on various general activities; those relevant to Selly Oak Park (but not solely so) are:

Tennis   Tickets are issued at 8d. each, for the use of one double court for one hour.  The time of issue is inserted both on the ticket and on the counterfoil.
The tickets issued each day are entered in total in the “Park-keepers Return Book”.  The cash is collected weekly and the Collector signs the “Return Book” for the amount collected.

Bowls   The system in force is similar to that in the case of tennis. 

Football & Cricket   These tickets are issued by the park-keeper personally.

Lavatories   There are penny in the slot lavatories at Rookery Park and one or two other Parks.  The takings are necessarily small as precisely similar accommodation is provided free.  The money is taken from the box by the Park-keeper, and paid in through the “Weekly Return Book”

Sale of Surplus Grass   In the majority of cases where the grass is of value it is taken away and used by the Stable Department.  No payment appears to be made for this.  As a set-off, some manure is obtained by the Parks from the Stables.
A quantity is sold to private customers who cart it away themselves.  A receipt for cash is given from the miscellaneous receipt book.

Sale of Timber   Trees that have, for various causes to be felled or have blown down, (it was said by the Keepers) are generally sent to Messrs. Tailby’s.  The park-keepers have verbal instructions to allow this timber to be carried away.

Rents, Acknowledgements, etc.   Rent is paid by some Park-keepers, also for houses occupied by the Staffordshire Police in Warley Park.

General Observations   Without exception the whole of the checking of the tickets and the accounting for the money received seems to be in the hands of the Park-keepers.
No check whatever, so far as could be found, is placed on the number of games tickets sold compared with cash received, until the end of the season, when the books are sent in to the Head office to be audited.
Books are then balanced with the tickets sold, and where discrepancies occur, as it is not infrequent, the necessary adjustments are made, and the sums collected but not handed over are made up by the Park-keepers.
The fact that the “Park-keeper’s Return Book” is not checked  until the end of the half-year, renders it possible that a mistake occurring, say, in May, would not be rectified until the following September.

Generally speaking the Park-keepers appear to welcome proposals for a more frequent and complete check on their books, especially as they would be able to have their books balanced and proved at regular intervals instead of half-yearly.

109   Resolved:-  That the report be received and referred to the City Treasurer and Superintendent to confer thereon and again report[1].

3rd March 1913 – Parks Committee

582   The following communication was received from the Council with the following letter:

22,165   The Lord Mayor read a letter from Messrs. William and John Gibbins.

It was moved by the Lord Mayor, seconded by Mr. Councillor Norman Chamberlain, and resolved:

“That the best thanks of this Council be presented to Messrs. William and John Gibbins for their generous offer to present 6¾ acres of land in Gibbins Road, Selly Oak, as an addition to the Recreation Ground previously given by members of their family, and to defray the cost of fencing the land where necessary and any expenses connected with the conveyance of the land to the Corporation; and that the Town Clerk be instructed to take all necessary steps for the transfer of the property and to affix the Corporate Seal to all necessary documents.”

Selly Oak
January 6th 1913
My Lord Mayor,
We have pleasure in asking the Corporation of Birmingham to accept the gift from us of about 6¾ acres of meadow land in Gibbins Road, Selly Oak, as an addition to the recreation ground which was given by our late mother and our late brothers, Thomas Gibbins and Benjamin Gibbins, and ourselves to the Kings Norton and Northfield District Council in 1899.  The land is given for use as a public recreation ground subject to the same conditions as those affecting the Park in Gibbins Road, the principal (sic) of which is that no intoxicants shall be sold on the land.
It is our desire that the land should be devoted to games, such as cricket and football for which it is adapted.
We shall be pleased to defray the cost of fencing the land where necessary, and also  any expenses connected with the conveyance of the land to the Corporation.
Yours faithfully,
(signed)  Wm. Gibbins
                                                                                                          John Gibbins
The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor

13th March 1913  -  A Parks Department Record

Mr. William Price commenced work in the park as a garden labourer.

Register of Parks Employees and Officials[2]

Register no.:     168
Name:     Price, William
Date of Birth:     27.4.1868
Date of entering service of Parks Department:     13.3.1913  
Park or Cemetery at which employed:     Selly Oak
Grade (under Committee Minute No. 4634):     Garden Labourer
Rate of Pay:     [£]2 – 12[s] – 7[d] [per week]

7th April 1913 – Parks Committee

As to Minute No 582,   Recreation Ground, Gibbins Road

The Chairman reported that the Superintendent and himself had met Mr. Gibbins and his brother on the ground and the latter had authorized Mr. Morter to fence the land in and had intimated their willingness to pay the cost thereof.

634   Resolved:   That the Minute be continued.

5th May 1913 – Parks Committee

As to Minute No 634,   Recreation Ground, Gibbins Road, Selly Oak

The following Report was received from the Town Clerk:-

` Recreation Ground, Gibbins Road, Selly Oak

I have to report that in accordance with the above minute I have completed the conveyance from Messrs. William and John Gibbins of the piece of land containing 6¾ acres given by them for extending the above recreation ground.

711   Resolved:   That the Minute be continued.

13th June 1913 – Parks Committee

Mr. Councillor Johnson presented the following report of the General Purposes Sub Committee:-

Cricket Clubs in Parks
They are of the opinion that the regulations in relation to the age limit as applied to Junior Clubs playing cricket and football in the Parks should be amended and recommend that the word “junior” as referred to in the regulations shall refer to children up to the age of 14 instead of up to 16.

Cricket Clubs in Parks
733   Resolved:-  That the regulations relating to cricket and football in the Parks be amended so that the word “junior” shall refer to children up to the age of 14 instead of up to 16.

6th October 1913 – Parks Committee

Mr. Councillor Wm. Brown presented the following report of the Administration Sub Committee:-

Guide Book and Map of City Parks
They recommend that the Superintendent be instructed to prepare in consultation with the Chairman of the General Committee, and the Chairman of the Sub-Committee, a guide book containing information and a map relating to the various Parks and Open Spaces belonging to the Corporation.

Guide Book and Map of City Parks

859   Resolved:-  That it be an instruction to the Superintendent to prepare in consultation with the Chairman of the General Committee, and the Chairman of the Administration Sub-Committee, a guide book containing information and a map relating to the various Parks and Open Spaces belonging to the Corporation.

882   Resolved:-  That the best thanks of the Committee be conveyed to Messrs. William and John Gibbins for their generous act in defraying the cost of fencing the new portion of Selly Oak Park.

25th November 1913 - Administration Sub-Committee

Gymnastic Apparatus
581   Resolved:-  That it be a recommendation to the General Committee to accept the tender of Messrs. Clapshaw and Cleave Ltd. at the price of £106. 6. 6 for the repairing and repainting of the gymnastic apparatus at Aston Park, Selly Oak Park, Rookery Park Erdington, St. Mark’s Recreation Ground and other places.

Music in the Parks, 1913

Selly Oak Park
Number of days on which concerts were given in the Park                       7
Number of days on which Pierrot concerts were given in the Park                        1

1st December 1913 – Parks Committee

Mr. Councillor Brown presented the following report of the Administration Sub Committee:-

Gymnastic Apparatus
They recommend that the tender of Messrs. Clapshaw and Cleave Ltd. at the price of £106. 6. 6 be accepted for the repairing and repainting of the gymnastic apparatus at Aston Park, Selly Oak Park, Rookery Park, Erdington, St. Mark’s Recreation Ground and other places.

Gymnastic Apparatus
940   Resolved:-  That the tender of Messrs. Clapshaw and Cleave Ltd. at the price of £106. 6. 6 be accepted for the repairing and repainting of the gymnastic apparatus at Aston Park, Selly Oak Park, Rookery Park, Erdington, St. Mark’s Recreation Ground and other places.

[1]  It was subsequently agreed, after reports and discussion over several meetings, that auditing should be undertaken by the Treasurer’s Department.
[2]  Birmingham Library, Archive & Heritage Section – reference BCC Acc 1998/083